By now, you’ve probably heard of cloud computing. The idea behind the cloud is the ability to store data digitally online, instead of saving it to a disk or a server. This means that the data saved can be accessed from anywhere, instead of having to be at the office computer. The benefits of cloud computing for law firms are obvious. The ability to work on a project and collaborate with colleagues from anywhere Is incredibly useful. But that’s not the only new technology for lawyers that is available.

PClaw Make Law Firm Management Easier

It’s not as strange as it sounds, PClaw is a program developed just for law firms. The PClaw cloud based computing system has been created to help make the potential financial nightmare of billing and tracking expenditures a thing of the past. With a full dashboard suite of easy to use financial management tools, this program is becoming invaluable to smaller firms, especially ones that can’t afford server services as easily. What’s better is with PClaw in the cloud, all of the data can be managed remotely and is also backed up safely. This alone takes the concern out of record keeping, allowing you to keep your most valuable data safe from corruption or loss.

Other Advantages to the Cloud

Cloud storage and services have more advantages than just being able to run PClaw. Cloud computing can also help manage other systems such as phone, file sharing, web mail and even allows you to set up virus free virtual desktops. These desktops mean that you can work from your home computer as though it were your office desktop. This means any files or data you have stored back at the office can be pulled up anywhere. A tremendous boon for anyone who’s ever forgotten their thumb drive before. These benefits and advancements in technology for lawyers is what helps smaller firms become bigger firms and helps a firm create a name that people both recognize and trust.

Finding a cloud computing service might take a little research to find out which one is best for you and your law firm. It’s important to make sure that the services are completely affordable and reliable before you make the switch. However, the increased versatility as well as the typically cheaper monthly price makes switching to a cloud computing service incredibly cost effective as well as useful for your business. By increasing the efficiency and reducing costs, you can take the first steps to making your firm more successful and profitable.


10/1/2013 09:53:25 pm

Looking for cloud support for pclaw. Documents telephone. Everything. Thanks

11/11/2013 07:44:04 pm

The law firm Baker and McKenzie has released an app specially designed for companies that wish to offer employee stock options. This app helps the companies with tax and other legal issues.


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